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Shared mobility insights

Be in the know of the latest shared mobility industry trends, insights and information through our inspiring blog articles, thought-leader interviews, guides, and more.

  • corporate carsharing

    May 9, 2018 – Car Sharing

    Corporate Carsharing: Corporations Can Share Vehicles Too

    Carsharing can be found within organizations as well. Any fleet of vehicles can be shared, better optimizing its use and assisting with congestion reduction.

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    gen z mobility

    April 26, 2018 – Shared Mobility

    On Generation Z: A Word from the Experts

    We tapped into the brains of shared mobility experts to get their insight on how Generation Z is going to impact the future of mobility and what needs to change.

    shared mobility options

    April 6, 2018 – Shared Mobility

    The Endless Possibilities with Shared Mobility

    Advances in technology have allowed shared mobility to expand its scope and service value. With more technology options available, there are even more possibilities.

    Generation Z is the future of mobility

    March 12, 2018 – Shared Mobility

    The Future of Mobility is with the Next Generation

    Generation Z is going to be the force that shapes the future of mobility, so shared mobility needs to be the go-to transportation option for them.

  • motor pool best practices

    February 19, 2018 – Car Sharing

    4 Motor Pool Best Practices

    There are many things to know about motor pools. What you should do, who you should consult – all good questions we help answer with best practices.

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    blockchain micromobility

    February 7, 2018 – Micromobility

    The Future of Shared Mobility – Built in Only 4 Weeks

    Blockchain technology has various applications and can even be used in mobility services. For shared mobility services, blockchain will enable the future of mobility.

    rise of scooter sharing demand

    January 29, 2018 – Micromobility

    The Rise of Moped Sharing

    Most moped sharing fleets are electric, helping cities reduce emissions in core areas. Moped sharing meets many needs that both operators and cities may be looking for.

    pogo carshare is now communauto alberta

    January 10, 2018 – Car Sharing

    The Early Days of Pogo CarShare (Communauto Alberta)

    Local carshares can make an impact too. Pogo CarShare focuses on consumer needs and uses technology to create a strong foundation for a successful carsharing operation.