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Shared mobility insights

Be in the know of the latest shared mobility industry trends, insights and information through our inspiring blog articles, thought-leader interviews, guides, and more.

  • panel discussion on European car subscription

    September 2, 2022 – Car subscription, Shared Mobility

    European Car Subscription Report – Launch Event Recap

    We launched the first edition of our Mobility Barometer during a digital event featuring a panel of European car subscription experts. Read on for a recap of their lessons learned and thoughts on the current state of the industry.

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    telematics acceleration data

    August 26, 2022 – Shared Mobility, Technology

    Acceleration-Based Telematics Features in Shared Mobility (pt. 2)

    Acceleration-based telematics features are key to enhanced driving analysis. Insights from events of moving vehicles can help identify bad drivers and incentivize good driving behaviours. They can also help to keep vehicles attractive for clients, and reduce the effort needed to investigate accidents.

    July 29, 2022 – Shared Mobility, Technology

    Webinar Recap: Data for Connected Fleets

    Sandrine Ploog, Head of Operations at CARIFY, joined Valdrin Shala, INVERS's Product Manager, for a webinar on data for connected fleets. Sandrine shared interesting examples of how data can be used to reduce costs and improve customer experiences, while Valdrin gave an overview of the technology needed to acquire and use the data effectively.

    Vehicle OEM Telematics Data - overview

    June 9, 2022 – Car Sharing, Shared Mobility, Technology

    Vehicle OEM Telematics Data: What’s available and what’s missing

    As vehicle OEM telematics become increasingly capable, we look at what data they usually provide, what data and capabilities are often missing, and what's needed to get the data out.

  • Digitalization and data make shared mobility fleets more flexible

    May 12, 2022 – Shared Mobility, Technology

    How digitalization and data make shared mobility flexible

    In this first part of a series on data uses and applications, we look at how operators use digitalization and data to enable the flexibility that defines shared mobility.

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    advanced data insights for shared mobility

    April 6, 2022 – Shared Mobility, Technology

    Advanced Data for Shared Mobility Operations – Webinar Recap

    Nitin Maslekar, Head of Technology at MILES Mobility, joined INVERS's Christoph Müscher and Christoph Mülder for a webinar on advanced data insights for shared mobility operations. Read on for the three main takeaways on using data to detect unwanted driving behavior.

    Software for shared mobility: lessons from Wunder Mobility

    March 14, 2022 – Expert Interviews, Shared Mobility

    Software for Shared Mobility: Lessons from Wunder Mobility

    We talked to Gunnar Froh, founder and CEO of Wunder Mobility, about how the right software for shared mobility can give operators the flexibility to scale their fleets according to demand, and take advantage of new partnerships, business models, and revenue streams.

    cars communicating with the internet

    February 17, 2022 – Shared Mobility, Technology

    Communication Architecture of Vehicle Telematics: the Key to Maximizing Shared Fleet Availability

    Sharing operators should carefully evaluate how the communication architecture of their proposed telematics and connectivity solution ensures maximum fleet availability. The success of their service depends on the best possible connectivity between their vehicles and clients, as well as between their vehicles and their internet-enabled fleet management tools.